Intel is just one example. Many companies have done the same, following the dictates of the 1% who only care about more profit. We didn't just give away the jobs. We gave away the research and innovation. We gave away the soul of the country.
Patent applications for the top 10 offices, 2014[2]
Rank - Country - Patent applications
1 China 928,177
2 United States 578,802
3 Japan 325,989
4 South Korea 210,292
5 European Patent Office 152,662
6 Germany 65,965
7 India 42,854
8 Russia 40,308
9 Canada 35,481
10 Brazil 30,342
Contrary to popular belief, innovations don't come out of thin air while you're in your garage someday. They come from the people who work in an industry every day and imagine a better way to do what they have been doing.