Monday, December 10, 2007

Al Gore - CNN reports

Someday the USA will wake-up and realize how badly the country has been brain washed by poor reporting and entertainment taking over the news. CNN today reported the Nobel Peace Prize and compared Al Gore with the "Nutty Professor". Reporting on the event, they gave more time to a critic of global warming than they did to Gore's comments.

If the world were divided I might understand this type of reporting. The US (the biggest polluter) is the ONLY developed country that has not signed on to the world treaty to help end global warming. As of November 2007, 174 countries, including China, have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol.

CNN reported that most "Europeans" treat global warming as a fact whereas in the US less than half of the population thinks global warming is a threat. Did you ever think that these reports are the REASON people are unaware of the danger? Europeans are serious about their beliefs and are well on the way to producing their energy from non-polluting, renewable resources. Within just three years the entire EU will be producing 20% of their electric from renewables! Even if the whole rest of the world were wrong, most of the rest of the world IS reducing their oil imports and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs building and selling the renewable energy technologies.

Just to make sure the "Nutty Professor" wasn't taken seriously CNN added reports about Gore making a lot of money from his movie and that the Nobel Peace Prize really didn't count anyway since it's all "political" and "people" in Washington are aware the Nobel people just don't like Bush and wanted to make him look bad by giving this award to Gore. Give me a break!