Saturday, June 09, 2007

We all know what's real - Right??

We all know what's real or not. no? And we know because? Well some stuff is just real, it's here. I can touch it, I can see it, so it must be real. no?
Well somewhere, sometime we learned what was real and what isn't.

Who said so? Where did they learn it?

The point?

We're actually all philosophers. Our ideas of reality are the ideas passed down from a couple thousand years of people trying to understand what reality is.


These ideas have been changing. and the ones we have in place today don't do such a good job. Most of us in the western world are basically Cartesian philosophers even if you have no clue who Rene DeCartes was, a lot of your thoughts about reality are ideas HE cooked up.

HMMM! ?? !! No way!! I know what's real and what's not !!! NOT!!

Office politics breaks trust and creates chaos.

Office politics.

We've all been there, and had the frustrations. What is really at the root of "office politic" problems? Would you believe a loss of trust. As discussed in a recent book on building trust by Solomon & Flores, the very concept of "having a good idea" is lost if politics is a deciding factor in awarding promotions, projects, praise, etc.

If any type of reward is given for a politic reason rather than merit, the goal in the office quickly shifts to "winning favor" rather than deciding what is best for the customer or the company. You need to be able to TRUST that good ideas will be used, not just ideas from someone making "friends" with the right executive. You need to TRUST your ideas will receive credit and not become your bosses great new idea.

Trust, it's a lot more important than we thought!