Thursday, August 23, 2012

Robots & Unemployment

Jobs affect Everyone

Even if you can never lose your job or have 0% concern about your income what would life be like with 30% - 50% - 90% unemployment? What kind of world and community would you live in? Who would be paying taxes? The top 10 most profitable US companies paid an average of 9% and many pay nothing. Roads, schools, social security, police, firemen? 

If you don't have time to read the 4 pages of the Times article, here is my 1/2 page synopsis. 

“A 10th as many” means 90% lost jobs

128 robot arms do the same work with yoga-like flexibility… the factory here has several dozen workers per shift, about a tenth as many as the plant in the Chinese city of Zhuhai. …they do it all without a coffee break — three shifts a day, 365 days a year.

low-cost automation foretells changes on the scale of the revolution in agricultural technology …farming employment in the United States fell from 40 percent of the work force to about 2 percent today

Such advances … beginning to transform other sectors that employ millions of workers around the world. robots that zoom at the speed of the world’s fastest sprinters can store, retrieve and pack goods for shipment far more efficiently than people. Robots could soon replace workers at companies like C & S Wholesale Grocers, the nation’s largest grocery distributor

  • Boeing’s wide-body commercial jets are now riveted automatically by giant machines that move rapidly and precisely
  • Earthbound Farms - robot arms place containers of organic lettuce into shipping boxes. …robots far faster than people replaced. Each robot replaces 2 to 5 workers
  • Robot manufacturers in the US say that in many applications, robots are already more cost-effective than humans.
  • The next generation of robots for manufacturing will be more flexible and easier to train.
  • Hyundai and Beijing Motors recently completed a mammoth factory outside Beijing that can produce a million vehicles a year using more robots and fewer people
  • Kroger supermarkets - warehouse installed a German system That led to the elimination of 106 jobs, roughly 20 percent of the work force.
  • Such robots will put automation within range of companies like Federal Express and United Parcel Service that now employ tens of thousands of workers doing such tasks.

Happiness & Prosperity (Part 3)

Jim Luciano

Next in the video series will be up in a few days. Start with THIS Video

This is the Third in a series. I recommend you begin with #1
"Happiness & Prosperity – It’s No Secret - Introduction"

Chapter Two

Your journey begins with the first step

Step by step, we will peel back what you already “know” and reveal the simple idea that can change our lives. My promise to you is that you will understand the Tao, Dyer, The Secret, Chopra, and others. You will have the ability to achieve what they offer. You will have more peace in your life and be more effective at all that you do. When I speak about having peace, some people imagine a “couch potato” type of peace. Inner peace is more like being calm within, regardless of the turmoil around you. A useful analogy is to imagine a sculptor carving a huge piece of marble, working long hours while he sweats with hammer and chisel in hand, yet totally content and at peace because he is doing what he loves.
My promise is conditional. You have a part to do. You have to read, follow the steps, take notes, and even do some thinking. The instructions are not mystical or whimsical. They are all things you know how to do such as: Make a list with paper and pen. Write a page, etc.  It may happen that you won’t like to do some of the steps, but you will be able to. A shift in reference is effortless in hindsight, but a high wall to climb when you are blinded by what you already know. The earth was never the center of the universe. Our eyes and common sense pointed to everything revolving around us; we just couldn’t see the truth. Learning from history is the first step in making a new fundamental shift in the way we see the world. You’re already moving toward creating a new view of the universe.

Is Paradise Lost?

A familiar story from the Bible, Genesis, tells us about paradise, Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve lived naked in the Garden of Eden, a paradise. They lived without cares or worry, in a state of pure joy. Then one day they lost the privilege of living in the Garden of Eden. They lost it because they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. They left paradise with their knowledge of good and evil. They have passed this knowledge on to all of humanity. Now today, outside of paradise, we all know about good and evil. No matter the person, no matter the thing; we see everything with some shade of good or bad. Our friends, our homes; cars, clothing, jobs, food, cities, pets, spiders, politicians, sports ... everything is something we like or don't like, care about or don't care, enjoy or detest, want or don't want. This is the world where we try to get the good stuff and avoid the bad stuff. This is our world - paradise lost. Or is it?
Maybe we can’t live in Paradise, but it does appear we can visit. A visit to paradise can make your whole day, maybe even your life.  In most religions or beliefs, we find descriptions of a type of experience reaching beyond the ability of words to describe. The great masters, the sages, and spiritual leaders tell of letting go and becoming part of a bigger power. Religious experience is said to be an experience of transcendental realities. In Zen, Enlightenment is the state of being with no mind. Buddha and thousands of others are said to have been enlightened masters. Enlightenment is said to be an experience like nothing we have in our normal lives. With no normal reference point, sharing this experience has been difficult. For example The Tao says:
The Tao that can be told of is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
We’ll review more of the Tao later, but here you can see we’re back to the “instructions” problem. This twenty-five hundred year old document is considered one of the best ways to reach enlightenment (Tao has a literal translation of “The Way”). Many find the way to paradise can be a twisted path of riddles.

I had the good fortune to have been down that path. It was a twisted path, but well worth the journey. It’s a place of absolute peace and wonder. I’ve seen the world, the universe and life itself as an endless opportunity. It’s great, but as the Bible said, it’s not a place where we’re allowed to live. Eventually, as you wander around paradise something will happen like; you get hungry. You have to stop and grab a bite to eat. Leaving isn’t bad. When you leave, you remember the experience. What you can do is bring some of what you experience in paradise back into your life. I don’t think we as humans, can live in paradise. What I do know is, you can learn to bring some of paradise to where you live.
The search for the path to paradise, happiness, and prosperity has been going on for thousand's of years. Teachers and writers have been telling us how we can get there. Probably the best-known writing is the Tao Te Ching, an ancient Chinese writing of 81 verses that is widely used to help people on the path to enlightenment. This is the document Dr. Dyer writes about. He uses it as the basis of his new book to help us change our lives. In the book and DVD "The Secret" we are shown examples of many who have found the way to happiness and prosperity. Deepak Chopra has also had great success in guiding us "... to fulfilling our dreams". If you could spend time with Chopra, I believe you would be successful in achieving much of what he teaches. Olivia-Newton John did this and credits Deepak with helping her through difficult times and bringing happiness back to her life. Meditation and years of study of the Tao has also met with a lot of success. Many masters of the Dao say, "Only living by the Tao can you be truly yourself."
In the real world, most of us don't have the time or the thousands of dollars to attend Chopra's workshops, nor do we wish to dedicate our lives to meditation. Wayne Dyer spent more than a year on the beach at his Maui home thinking and meditating to come to his understanding of the Tao. If you don't have a home on the beach in Hawaii or the resources to spend a few years just thinking, that’s probably not the answer for you. From our existing viewpoint it appears that the Tao is difficult, enlightenment, joy and paradise are still a secret, and happiness and prosperity are expensive and time consuming. Surprisingly, it's really not difficult to find happiness and prosperity. It's not even easy. It's something else.

Coming in Part 4 : "Step One - Observe your inner voice."

Is your Life compass working OK?

Re-reading my research to prepare my videos, I had a few thoughts about the "Copernicus" story I often use to show how some erroneous piece of fundamental knowledge can cause hardworking, intelligent people to come to very bad conclusions. You can liken that to a broken compass. No matter what you do or who you are, if you're unaware the compass is faulty, you're not going to get where you want to go.

The Copernicus story may seem unimportant for most people as it did not have much of an impact on the everyday life of people. Astronomers had their universe turned inside out, but what difference did it make for all the daily tasks, relationships, etc of people's lives? Basically nothing. Yet the realization that some fundamental fact about life turned out to be wrong caused vast changes that have been going on for centuries and continue today.

In fact I would claim that some of the change that took place led to at least some "fact of life accepted ideas" that are also wrong. Uncovering mistaken background knowledge, a "broken compass", is what this series and the videos are about. I'm attempting to pull back the first layer to begin to look at who we are, what can we as individuals accomplish, and use a new view to become more effective in anything we do. What if many of the things you think about yourself are wrong? What if you could decide new characteristics for yourself? How could you use them to become more effective in getting where you want to go or even choose a new direction you hadn't thought possible?
Think unemployment will get better? Think again. I've talked about the consequences of increased productivity for years. Now we're about to take a giant leap forward. These machines can create permanent 50% unemployment in the next 10 - 20 years.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Happiness and Prosperity – It’s No Secret
Jim Luciano

Next in the video series is posted:

This is the second in a series. I recommend you begin with #1
"Happiness and Prosperity – It’s No Secret - Introduction"

 Chapter One

The difficulty with instructions

Two excellent authors and teachers, and a groundbreaking book.
Dr. Wayne Dyer’s latest book, “Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao” interprets the ancient Chinese Tao Te Ching, and offers to teach us how we'll "... live in a new world aligned with nature ... Accomplish more by trying less". Deepak Chopra tells us how to have "... well being, good health, fulfilling relationships, and material abundance."
The best selling book, The Secret tells us "... you can have, be, or do anything you want." Achieving the results by following their instructions is problematic. Dyer’s coaching for example; to  “bring happiness to all that you do” is an instruction few people know how to do. Learning HOW to do it is the reason you buy these books.

 Manifest is another example of a futile instruction. In “The Secret” one of the things they tell you to do is; manifest things. This is always a concern if you're not an experienced manifester. Don't worry; the book tells us it’s "... as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars." One problem I see with this instruction is most people have yet to learn how to manifest one dollar. You can understand earning a dollar, finding a dollar, stealing a dollar, getting a gift of a dollar, but the universe hearing your vibrations and giving you the dollar may not be something you’ve learned yet. If you've read The Secret, re-read it, watched the DVD, talked about it and still haven't manifested your million dollars, maybe you're not doing it right. The book lacks detailed directions, so where do you get better “manifesting” instructions? I thought I’d see if the secret to manifesting might be found on Google! A Google search for "how to manifest" offered twelve million websites. If it's just money you wish to manifest, there are over two million websites on "how to manifest money". If you've already visited the 1.8 million sites on “how to manifest wealth” and no longer need money, perhaps you’re looking for help manifesting other things. There are millions of sites on “how to manifest desires”, “how to manifest dreams”, “how to manifest what you want”, and even a few million “how to manifest love” sites.

When you go online, you should visit more than one of these sites. The first item on Google’s search results may not be the right one for you. The first site on my Google search "how to manifest love" was this page: "Educational movement and army of lovers working to build a new vision of gay male world." This probably won't help if for example, you're female. The first listing for "how to manifest dreams" appeared to be more helpful. There was a list of 10 ways to get started manifesting your dreams. Even better, for those with difficulties manifesting, there was a link to another site where there were many "essential oils" and other products to help you manifest. They have a large assortment of helpful items such as a small bottle of "Believe" for only $21.71. With this you can "... move to a higher level of awareness." Hopefully you were successful at wealth manifesting" because going beyond believing to lotions such as "Dream Catcher", "Inspiration", "Joy" and others was quite a bit more expensive!

Well I've had a little fun with the idea of manifesting to make a point. Instructions such as manifesting leave you without a practical understanding of what needs to be done. In the end you really don’t know what manifesting is. There are some people who have had success with manifesting, but it's such a small percentage it should be obvious few people understand the phenomenon. If they did, I’d expect to see a whole lot more manifesting going on.  I think we can agree the universe has mysteries we can’t explain (manifesting being one of them). Inspirations and happiness come to us, seemingly from nowhere. Some people really do seem to have manifested successfully and surely each of the authors has had an extraordinary experience, and been inspired to share it with us. They are attempting to connect us to this mysterious power and source of the universe. Did they leave something out? Did they miss something? After all, each of these authors and teachers has great credentials. They worked hard, and they want you to have success and the happiness they have found. What else can they do? What can you do? What is missing?

I said that changing the way you look at things could have dramatic effects. Imagine if you were able to look at the whole universe in a fundamentally different way. Rethinking one basic fact can change the universe. It’s happened many times. There are moments in history where a simple idea (simple when viewed from hindsight) changed our view of the world and ourselves. Not an invention, but a different way to view what we already know. If even one little piece of what we take for granted is wrong, we may not be able to produce effective results. Hard work, dedication and intelligence are not always enough.
One example is ancient astronomers, plotting the path of the stars. Many dedicated, intelligent and hard-working astronomers spent years, maybe their whole lives plotting the path of the stars through the heavens. Yet, the results they produced were totally wrong and ineffective. They knew something was missing and made many attempts to explain and patch the problems they encountered. They couldn’t see what was wrong because what they already knew blinded them. The story of the Garden of Eden was a part of life in medieval times. The place where God created all life, animals, and man was obviously the beginning of everything. So it was just common sense the Garden of Eden was the center of the universe.
The earth was the center of the universe. The sun, the moon, and the stars revolved around us. This was the reference point used for plotting the movement of the stars. Nicolaus Copernicus challenged this idea. Although it appeared so obvious the celestial bodies revolved around us, he was willing to look beyond what everyone knew. He rethought the universe literally from the ground up. In hindsight, it seems so obvious. All he did was shift a basic reference point.
Armed with this new way of observing the world, astronomers could now use all the same skills and knowledge to produce effective, useful work. All the tools, and practices for studying the movement of the stars remained the same. Yet with this new reference point, they created a whole new universe. This simple idea went on to change much more than astronomy. This basic fact changed the thinking of the western world. What was our place in the universe? If we weren’t the center, was someone else? What did it all mean? The religious and personal upheaval was long lived. Science was affected, and many credit Copernicus’ ideas as being the chief motivating force of the scientific revolution that began in the sixteen hundreds.
Thought expanded to new levels, a scientific revolution began; all from the simple idea the earth was not the center of the universe. A shift in understanding ourselves and our possibilities can bring an equally historic change in how happiness, relationships, abundance, inspiration, and success are created. Historically we have used many analogies and ideas to talk about how we humans exist and live. But, you are not a computer. You’re not a smarter ape or monkey. When you are able to see who you are, you gain a whole new perspective. You can change your entire universe.
Modern philosophers have uncovered one of these simple changes in reference. Perhaps I could just write it out in a few words and we’d be done. You could go get enlightened, and live happily ever after! It’s really that simple. A single sentence could describe it, a sentence as simple as “The earth is not the center of the universe”. You probably noticed there are quite a few more pages in this book, so you may have guessed I’m not going to write the “answer” here. The reason? Fundamental shifts are not easily digested. Copernicus waited many years before allowing his book to be published. Then the book was suspended in 1616. The church wanted to “revise” a few facts. Galileo was placed under lifetime house arrest in 1633 for following Copernicus’ ideas. The question of our place in the universe was also an understanding of life and who we are. Imagine living in sixteen hundred and telling a friend over lunch, “By the way have you heard the earth isn’t the center of the universe?” “Oh really, that’s nice. I wouldn’t let anyone hear your fantasy, they hang people for crazy stuff like that.” The whole western world lived their lives knowing we were the center of everything. The universe, the sun, the moon, and the stars revolved around us. People needed more than a simple statement to rethink our place in the grand scheme of things, to understand our place in the universe.  Can you manifest? Can you follow the instructions of Chopra, Dyer, and the Tao? Yes of course, you just need a little shift in your universe.
See you at chapter Two... Jim

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happiness & Prosperity – It’s No Secret

Today I'm starting a new series. I was going to write a book and had about 20 pages or so. I'll post them here a little at a time while I turn to YouTube to complete what I wanted to say. You can see the first video here:

Happiness & Prosperity – It’s No Secret
Jim Luciano


Happiness and Prosperity go great together. There are “Happiness and Prosperity” authors selling thousands of books, tapes, cd’s and dvd’s as well as many speakers who offer expensive seminars. They’re happy and prosperous!  But what about you? 

You’re inspired. You read their books, listen to their tapes, and attend their seminars. You’re filled with hope and can’t wait to be happy and prosperous. But as time passes the lesson seems to fade, so you try another book, a new guru, or the latest pop-psychology. The goals are real and achievable; the universe is truly wondrous and mysterious, so why does happiness remain elusive?  The books and teachers tell us; follow the steps and you will have it all.  However problems can begin when you try to do what they tell you. They often tell you to do things you don’t know how to do. Sometimes what they’re saying doesn’t even make sense. Where is the gap? Are they speaking nonsense? Are you unable to understand? Do other people have the same problem? Can you find real step-by-step instructions that you can understand so you can find the inspiration, wonder, happiness and confidence you were born with?

For the lessons to work you must experience them. A few people are fortunate to experience the results just by reading about them. This works best for people who have had similar experiences. For most of us reading about an experience is not enough. I can talk all day, show you pictures and movies of my flight on a Hang-glider, running off a mountain top in Rio De Janeiro, but you will never really understand the experience until you fly off a mountain. If you are a sky diver, you will connect with my story on a different level. The true benefits these authors and speakers offer you are actually beyond the ability of words to describe. This idea of experience is an area where you will find a difference between this book and others like "The Secret". If I sat down with you and relived my flight over Rio, if I became very emotional and described everything in a wonderful glowing story, you might be inspired, you could become excited and enjoy my telling of a great experience. But where would that leave you next month when you're at work, dealing with the problems of the day. Books like "The Secret" are similar. They tell us real stories, which can build up excitement, but for most of us the excitement fades. Why? You didn’t get to have the same experience the storytellers had. There were no instructions that led to having the experience, they only told you about it.

Even though these authors have familiarity with all the wonders they offer, they really don’t understand it well enough to tell you how to have the same experience.  For example, if you’re unhappy, Wayne Dyer’s new book suggests you bring happiness to all that you do.  How the heck do you do that? This may be easy for him. He has years of research and thinking. He is the author of numerous best sellers such as “Your Erroneous Zones”, “Pulling Your Own Strings”, and “Real Magic”. Living in his beach house in Maui he worked for more than a year walking on the beach and contemplating ideas such as bringing happiness to all that you do.  It might not be as easy to do in your life. For instance, imagine you’re on the freeway and the boss is screaming on the other end of your cell phone “where is my report, you’re late?”. Meanwhile the guy behind you is beeping his horn and waving his finger in an obscene way; and then the guy in front of you cuts you off and you miss your exit. Wayne says just “Bring it”. Yeah sure, bring happiness to that puppy!

Is it possible you don’t know how to bring happiness to whatever you’re doing, especially when you’re unhappy?  I respect Dyer, Chopra, and the many contributors to the best selling book, The Secret, for their passion and efforts to contribute to our lives. Each has unique ideas of the way to a better life. When you hear them speak or read one of their books, you’re filled with hope. Yet days or weeks later the lessons have faded into the background. You work, take care of family, struggle to get things done and make ends meet. It seems that everything demands your attention and you struggle just to keep up. Before long, life resumes its tedious pace. The promise of manifesting a few million dollars, having great relationships, and happiness is gone. What happened? You might begin to wonder “Did I work at it long enough?”  “Did I try hard enough?” or “Maybe I need to read it again?” “Is it just me? I hear so many stories about success with this book” Think about it. How many of the readers of the 7 million copies of The Secret manifested millions and a happy life? Where are all these new millionaires? And did they follow the instructions for happiness?

What is happiness? Perhaps another problem with “bringing happiness to all that you do” is not recognizing happiness when it’s right in front of you. For example, my wife was afraid of heights so the thought of stepping off a treetop and careening down a mountain on a zip line was not her idea of happy.  Now it’s one of her happiest memories.  What if the geek, scientist, tree hugger, or neighbor you can’t stand has the potential to be the most important person in your life (no, no, not her/him!) At a dinner party, I helped congratulate a stranger on her divorce and toasted her vow never to marry again. Three months later we were engaged and we’ve been living a life of unbelievable happiness. We each saw the opportunity for happiness and grabbed onto it.  When your next opportunity for happiness shows up, will YOU recognize it?
Sometimes the solution to a problem is so close it’s difficult to see. You can work and struggle to accomplish a goal, and fail because of a simple step overlooked at the beginning. How does some seemingly obvious step trip you up? How do some people seemingly find opportunities at every moment they need them? Did you realize you could be blinded by what you already know? Things you know are skipped when you learn something new.  You take some things for granted and never look back. This is where our search for happiness has failed us.  Something that we all learned, keeps us from seeing the opportunities that are showing up everyday. We miss opportunities and life seems to pass us by. Don’t let it happen to you! Happiness and prosperity shouldn’t be a secret. There are real-life practical steps you can follow to take control of your life and opportunities.  I will show you how to get back to the beginning and see what is missing. I will give you the roadmap to happiness and prosperity.