If there were some way to get the politicians out of the way and have a leader that simply pointed the way, we could easily take care of all our energy needs, and probably cause Oil to drop to a fraction of it's current (almost) $100.
As mentioned in my previous blog, windmills are so much more efficient than nuclear power and other countries are installing them by the hundreds. Today I saw a report on ocean wave and tidal power systems that are already operating. These technologies are already proven. We also have solar power. Yes, it's more expensive right now, but what are the chances the prices would come down if we were to start a massive increase in production?
There are surely many other designs and ideas that Americans are working on. What's lacking? What would happen if we had a leader who did a "Kennedy like" declaration (going to the moon), that we are going to produce 30% of our energy needs from these and other sources within the next ten years? 75% in 20 years?
You don't need to know all the details. You set the direction, give support, and fix the problems as you go. I have no doubt in the ability of Americans to do it. The real problem lies in the big money interests that prefer the status quo. While investments in these technologies will pay off big time, the need for the constant 10% - 15% or more increase in quarterly profits keeps them from taking the longer investment view.
If startups begin to make real progress, then the money will jump in and buy them up. BUT that's the long road. And, like the windmills, if we wait too long, the progress will continue to happen OUTSIDE the US. We'll wind up buying the technology and equipment from the BRIC countries. (BRIC = Brazil, Russia, India, China)
I already speak Brazilian Portuguese, should I start learning Chinese OR can we elect a congress and president that can help keep the US a great nation?